Herb-Roasted Tomatoes

Written by: 
Marta Mickiewicz
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On this site
Fact Number
Number of known tomato varieties Over 10,000
Percentage of water content in tomatoes Approximately 95%
Average increase in lycopene content after cooking tomatoes Up to 35%
Reduction in vitamin C through cooking About 29%
Increase in antioxidant activity from adding herbs like thyme Varies, but significant
Key Takeaways Explanation
Health Benefits Roasting tomatoes enhances their natural sweetness and increases the bioavailability of nutrients like lycopene.
Culinary Versatility Herb roasted tomatoes can be used in a wide range of dishes, from pasta to salads, adding depth and flavor.
Simple Ingredients, Big Flavor The recipe demonstrates how simple ingredients, when properly combined and cooked, can produce a dish that's both delicious and nutritious.
Cultural Significance Reflecting Mediterranean culinary traditions, this dish emphasizes the importance of using fresh, seasonal produce.
Easy to Prepare With minimal prep and cooking time, herb-roasted tomatoes are accessible to cooks of all skill levels, making it an easy way to add gourmet flair to any meal.

At Roots Food Group, we celebrate the beauty of simple ingredients transformed into delectable dishes. Today, we spotlight a recipe that exemplifies culinary minimalism at its best: Herb Roasted Tomatoes. With its humble beginnings, this dish combines the robust flavor of tomatoes with the aromatic delight of herbs, creating a versatile accompaniment to any meal.

The History of the Recipe

Roasting vegetables is as ancient as cooking, originating from when our ancestors discovered fire. Roasting brings out the natural sweetness and depth of flavor in vegetables, a technique refined over millennia. However, the tradition of herb-roasted tomatoes finds its roots in Mediterranean cuisine, where abundant sun-ripened tomatoes and aromatic herbs like thyme, basil, and oregano inspired cooks to combine them in perfect harmony. This recipe reflects a culinary tradition that spans centuries, celebrating the earth's natural bounty in its simplest form.

Benefits of Herb-Roasted Tomatoes

Herb-roasted tomatoes are not just a feast for the taste buds; they are also packed with health benefits. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins C and K, potassium, and folate. They are famously high in lycopene, an antioxidant with potential heart health benefits and cancer-preventing properties. Roasting tomatoes can make these nutrients more bioavailable. Additionally, olive oil adds richness to the dish and provides healthy fats essential for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins.

Cultural Meaning and Significance

In many cultures, tomatoes are more than just a culinary staple; they symbolize life and passion. Roasting tomatoes with herbs celebrates natural flavors, a testament to the idea that the best cooking doesn't need to be complicated. It speaks to a Mediterranean eating ethos - where meals are built around fresh, local ingredients, and food is meant to be shared. In this tradition, herb-roasted tomatoes are often served alongside crusty bread, pasta, or as part of a larger feast, embodying the spirit of communal dining and the joy of sharing simple, delicious food with loved ones.

Herb-Roasted Tomatoes Recipe


  • 1.5 lbs. tomatoes, cut into quarters or halves
  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil or canola oil
  • 2 Tbsp. thyme (dry or fresh) or any herb of your choice
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Step 1: Preheat oven to 250° F and line the baking sheet with parchment paper or foil.

Step 2: Place the tomatoes on the baking sheet and drizzle with oil, salt, pepper, and thyme. Toss all ingredients until seasoning is thoroughly incorporated.

Step 3: Roast the tomatoes until they are shriveled around the edges – approximately 2 hours.

Note: The time will vary depending on the size and water content of the tomatoes.

This recipe for Herb Roasted Tomatoes is more than just a method for preparing a side dish; it's a celebration of simplicity, health, and the universal language of food that connects us all. Whether you want to enhance a meal with a touch of gourmet or simply enjoy tomatoes' rich, concentrated flavors, this dish promises satisfaction in every bite.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use any type of tomato for this recipe?

Yes, various tomatoes can be used, though sizes may adjust cooking times.

What are the best herbs to use with roasted tomatoes?

Thyme, basil, and oregano are excellent choices for enhancing flavor.

How long can I store herb roasted tomatoes?

They can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week or frozen for longer storage.

Can I add garlic to the recipe?

Yes, garlic can be added for additional flavor.

Is it necessary to peel the tomatoes before roasting?

No, peeling is not required; the roasting process softens the skins.

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